Sámiid Vuorká-Dávvirat – De Samiske Samlinger i Karasjok er et samisk kulturhistorisk museum som består av en hovedbygning med utstillinger og magasiner samt friluftsmuseum. Arbeidet med etableringen av museet begynte allerede i 1939. De første bygningene til friluftsmuseet ble reist på museumstomta på slutten av 1950-tallet.
Sámiid Vuorká-Dávvirat – The Sámi Museum were established in 1972 as the first Sámi museum and the first Sámi cultural institution in Norway. The purpose of the establishment was to promote Sámi culture and strengthen the status of the Sámi as indigenous people. The museum building was officially opened on April 16, 1972. The museum building was decorated by the renown Sámi artist, Iver Jåks. The museum is currently the largest Sámi museum in Norway.
The Sámi Museum in Karasjok manages over 5,000 objects. This is the largest mseum collection representing Sámi cultural history in Noršay. This unique collection includes objects representing household, means of livelohood, traditional Sámi clothing, religion, duodji (arts and crafts) and arts from all over the Sámi area across national borders.
The exhibitions in the main building
– Sámi traditional clothing customs from different areas and time periods
– Tools and eáuipment used in various traditional means of livelihood
– Duodji – Sámi handicrafts
– Elements of Sámi religion
– Sami contemporary arts
In addition to the main Exhibition, we have often temporary exhibitions. Follow us on Facebook, or read the News update on our web site.
Outdoor museum